Sunday, January 2, 2011

i am a witness of GOD's GOODNESS

There are so many things happened to me that I can proudly say "I AM A WITNESS OF GOD'S GOODNESS" :D

First would be the one that I experienced when I was younger. We are in a neighborhood outing in Cavite and a lot of good things happened to me that day. My mother would not always permit me to join those kinds of get-aways because she is not fond of going with a lot of people for a swimming or any kinds of outing. With that, she never wanted me to go also but of course as a little girl who wants to enjoy with my friends in the neighborhood, I would always fight her just for me to be able to go with them. 

I am a "LOLO's GIRL" and my grandfather would do anything just to see me happy that he almost spoiled me when he was still living. So he scolded my mother and made me join the outing that made them fight at each other that day. Of course, I was already crying when I saw them fighting because of me but my grandfather loves me so much that he stood in his point that there is nothing wrong for me to go with them and enjoy the vacation. Unexpectedly, it ended up that enjoying the day swimming with my friends. 

The second one is when we were in Cavite swimming on that same day also I had a traumatic experience that I thought was my punishment for making my grandfather and mother fight. So I was with my friends swimming  near the shore, then suddenly our neighbor who is older than us asked us to go with them. Where? They wanted to go swim in the darker color of the water which is actually the deeper part of the sea. :| Without hesitation, we went there with them but I was the one using the huge "salbabida" because I do not know how to swim. The next thing that happened is that I am not sure of but as far as I can remember my friend who was holding my "salbabida" from the outside turned  it the other way around that caused me to get out of the "salbabida" and drown. I can not breathe anymore when I was under the water of course and when my friend got my hand and lifted me up from the under, I was crying hardly and could not say anything. I thought I was going to die already but when I got out of the water all I was thinking and saying to myself was "THANK YOU LORD! THANK YOU PO TALAGA!" :(( 

That was not the first and the last time that I almost die I guess. :| When I was in second year high school I went to Shangri La Hotel in EDSA Ortigas with my teammates in PGC. Ysabell Morales invited us to go there for bonding and swimming. So when we were already swimming in the pool, Ate Ainie and Ate Ira wanted to go and play in the deeper part of the pool. It is 10ft. or more if I remembered it right. I asked first Ate Ira if she can hold and guide me there because I do not know how to swim but I wanted to play with them then she said "Of course I can! Marunong naman ako magswim eh." I trust Ate Ira! :D
Then we went across the line to the deeper part of the pool, at first I can still manage to float myself and hold my head up the water but as we go far Ate Ira could not hold me up anymore because I am taller than her. LOL =)) So AGAIN...I WAS DROWNED. I could not breathe anymore under the water and the last thing I said  that I would never forget is "KAYO (GOD) NA PO BAHALA SAKIN." I thought I died already. But our other teammates who did not went there with us thought that we were just playing so they were just laughing the whole time, they said. It was when the time that a lifeguard jumped into the pool that they all realized that I was already drowning. After I said my last line, I felt someone pushed me to the rope so I can hold it and swim myself up. It was indeed a miracle for me! :">

These things that happened to me before were not the only times that I witness God's goodness but these experiences will never be erased from my memory because it reminds me that God is always with me guiding me through all the way, no matter what. So from then on, I do not worry anymore if I am alone wherever I go because I know God is always walking with me. :D

It strengthened my FAITH to HIM. 

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