"CINDERFELLA", "RED", and "THE BOY WHO NEVER GROWS UP" are good works of adaptation made by some students from Assumption College for their Creative Writing subject. From the original fairytales of "CINDERELLA", "LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD" and "PETER PAN", the adaptations stories were well written because even if the stories were modernized and have different styles, the changes were good enough to remember the original message and theme of the fairytales. The writers did their adaptations in a manner that they made sure that their future readers will think logically that the alternations they did are necessary from the original ones. The characterization of the three stories do not differ from the fairytales except for the "Cinderfella", but it became such because the main character is a guy which means "fella" in slang.
In the first adaptation story which is "Cinderfella", a reader would say that he or she can relate to the situations presented in the story because in the generation today, teenagers desire on thing and that is'freedom'. In the case of Milo who is the "fella", he wanted to escape from the evil family that was left for him after the death of his father. He demanded emancipation and that is what he got at the end of the story. This emancipation represents the happiness he was longing for and like any other teenagers in the world today, they also would want to enjoy life at their young age.
For the little girl Red in the adaptation story of "Little Red Riding Hood", she represents every child who is easily amazed with the beautiful things around them. With the ignorant minds that they have, they unconsciously forget that there are certain rules to follow from their parents. But young as they are, it is still understandable. The story of "Red" depicts reality in the world today, that there are crimes everywhere. You may see the city as a wonderful place because of all the lights and decorations in the streets but behind those city wonders, bad people are always around just like the villains in a fairytale. Good thing for those little kids who were saved from different crimes in a dangerous world and still could find a happy ending after all.
Lastly, for the "Boy Who Never Grows Up", the title was clearly stated because in the story, Peter never learned to grow up and he continued to make his mistakes until something happened to him that broke his heart and made him realize the important things in his life. This adaptation story presents also a real life situation where a girl and a boy would experience love as part of growing up. Problems are always there to challenge and spice up the story but these are all miraculously solved in the end.
These three adaptation works of the three fairytales showed how the magical stories told from the past exist in the generation todayand would somehow teach lessons for the generations tomorrow. And that is the real essence of fairytales, it is not always to give happy endings but to teach lessons.
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