Thursday, January 27, 2011

i ain't gonna think about you anymore! (OH PLEASE!)

i really thought after 8 months...okay na lahat
i thought i'm happy already...somehow hindi parin pala
it's been 8 months and 25 days...
why can't i still totally move on?! :|

and now i just realized if it's not about a highlight moment of my day that i am putting here in my's all about me not getting over the past :(( damn! 

maybe i'm feeling this because the 14th is already coming and i'm feeling so alone.
i have ways though to forget these sad truths:
1. DANCE...non-stop training! so LOVABLE BARKADA 
   actually if they will be able to read this..k i'm dead! :| so quote&quote "crush" ... waepek talaga! :| I TRIED!
4.of course trying to get myself busy with schoolworks and working on my grades. well this one is exceptional!
5.trying to fill my head with happy thoughts by listening to happy songs but ended up listening to the emo ones 


trying to stick this song to my head: AIN'T THINKING ABOUT YOU!!!!!

Wasting time, steady trying to get you back;
Get you back in my life (you don’t care, you don’t care)

I’m not looking for love, cause he’s gone
I just wanna have a good time and keep you off my mind


i promise this to myself: I WILL NOT FEEL SAD ON THE 14TH 

Please Lord help me not to feel this anymore.
Enlighten my mind that there are so much better things that I should spend my time thinking about and not to these same old crappy crazy stuffs about the past.
I know you gave this experience to me not to burden my life but to teach me with so many lessons. Thank you still dear God.
You once gave me a very special person in my heart and in my life. 
You used him to make me happy in one chapter of my life. You used him to make me realize a lot of things. I appreciate that even though I only had him for a short span of time in my life, I know I would never forget the love I had with him because I believe that You Lord lived in him that time for me to feel Your presence and to experience not the heartbreak that I got but the love that a special person could give to me. I believe Lord that You have better plans for me. I'm not here waiting only for the time that You will give me another one. I'm here to enjoy every second of my life that You gave me for me to have enough time for myself and my priorities.
Thank you so much Dear Lord.
You are my Loveliest!
And I want You to know Lord that I WANT TO BE YOUR VALENTINE :')

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

new style...same old story --- ADAPTATIONS

This is a book review of 3 old fairytales :)

     "CINDERFELLA", "RED", and "THE BOY WHO NEVER GROWS UP" are good works of adaptation made by some students from Assumption College for their Creative Writing subject. From the original fairytales of "CINDERELLA", "LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD" and "PETER PAN", the adaptations stories were well written because even if the stories were modernized and have different styles, the changes were good enough to remember the original message and theme of the fairytales. The writers did their adaptations in a manner that they made sure that their future readers will think logically that the alternations they did are necessary from the original ones. The characterization of the three stories do not differ from the fairytales except for the "Cinderfella", but it became such because the main character is a guy which means "fella" in slang.

In the first adaptation story which is "Cinderfella", a reader would say that he or she can relate to the situations presented in the story because in the generation today, teenagers desire on thing and that is'freedom'. In the case of Milo who is the "fella", he wanted to escape from the evil family that was left for him after the death of his father. He demanded emancipation and that is what he got at the end of the story. This emancipation represents the happiness he was longing for and like any other teenagers in the world today, they also would want to enjoy life at their young age.

     For the little girl Red in the adaptation story of "Little Red Riding Hood", she represents every child who is easily amazed with the beautiful things around them. With the ignorant minds that they have, they unconsciously forget that there are certain rules to follow from their parents. But young as they are, it is still understandable. The story of "Red" depicts reality in the world today, that there are crimes everywhere. You may see the city as a wonderful place because of all the lights and decorations in the streets but behind those city wonders, bad people are always around just like the villains in a fairytale. Good thing for those little kids who were saved from different crimes in a dangerous world and still could find a happy ending after all.

     Lastly, for the "Boy Who Never Grows Up", the title was clearly stated because in the story, Peter never learned to grow up and he continued to make his mistakes until something happened to him that broke his heart and made him realize the important things in his life. This adaptation story presents also a real life situation where a girl and a boy would experience love as part of growing up. Problems are always there to challenge and spice up the story but these are all miraculously solved in the end.

     These three adaptation works of the three fairytales showed how the magical stories told from the past exist in the generation todayand would somehow teach lessons for the generations tomorrow. And that is the real essence of fairytales, it is not always to give happy endings but to teach lessons.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

After 4 years..

I have this friend who is really special for me. She left the country when we were in second year high school and she left without my knowledge so I was like what the f***?! :| When we happened to talk through chat in the internet a year after she left, I was arguing with her for not telling me that she will go back to the States and finish high school there. I felt that I lost a best friend because from first year high school we were really that close and I feel extra happy when we see each other in school. Of course, that was every day because even if we are not classmates during the last year that she stayed in the Philippines, we always find time to get together and bond each day. I was mad at her actually but when we were chatting for the past 4 years that we do not see each other, I can't really show her how mad I am because I miss her so much!

Last summer 2010 she told me she is coming back to the Philippines for good. That means she will study college here already and I was overjoyed when she told me that. She was calling and texting me from then on so that I can have an update if she is already here in Manila but after few months I lost contact of her. I just thought maybe she already arrived the country that is why I lost contact with her, and I was just waiting for her to call, text, or message me in the internet but I didn't get any. Then I felt so much relief when I saw her online on facebook and through that I got to talk with her again. She told me that she's already enrolled in a college in Manila. Damn! that's too far from Makati where we both live :( I was expecting that maybe there's a big chance that she will study in AC, same school as mine, because it is very accessible for her. Okay I was wrong! :(( Then we barely text each other after learning that she is already studying in another school and she became a lot more busy when she was elected as the SK Chairwoman in their community. I lost hope! I know that we should wait longer before we can see and hang out with each other again. FINE! :|

Okay so it is the 18th of January and I was with my friend awhile ago in Glorietta. I stayed because we have to plan for something important. And when we were about to go out of the mall, I saw a girl entered and was about to walk in front of me. OH MY GOOOOSSHHH!!! IT'S HER!!!!! :"> Still can't believe that I saw her awhile ago after 4 years! We wished we could spend the night together and catch up with each other but she already had plans and I also need to go home early. Maybe there's another chance that I can hang out with my friend again. I'm so excited to see her again and I really do hope that it is on Friday and Saturday already. It is the Fair celebration of our high school on the weekend and I invited her to come and watch the concert and cheering competition just like what we always had in CSR :D 

Can't explain how happy I am right now. :"> 
Thank God for that chance of seeing my long lost friend. LOL =)) 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

i am a witness of GOD's GOODNESS

There are so many things happened to me that I can proudly say "I AM A WITNESS OF GOD'S GOODNESS" :D

First would be the one that I experienced when I was younger. We are in a neighborhood outing in Cavite and a lot of good things happened to me that day. My mother would not always permit me to join those kinds of get-aways because she is not fond of going with a lot of people for a swimming or any kinds of outing. With that, she never wanted me to go also but of course as a little girl who wants to enjoy with my friends in the neighborhood, I would always fight her just for me to be able to go with them. 

I am a "LOLO's GIRL" and my grandfather would do anything just to see me happy that he almost spoiled me when he was still living. So he scolded my mother and made me join the outing that made them fight at each other that day. Of course, I was already crying when I saw them fighting because of me but my grandfather loves me so much that he stood in his point that there is nothing wrong for me to go with them and enjoy the vacation. Unexpectedly, it ended up that enjoying the day swimming with my friends. 

The second one is when we were in Cavite swimming on that same day also I had a traumatic experience that I thought was my punishment for making my grandfather and mother fight. So I was with my friends swimming  near the shore, then suddenly our neighbor who is older than us asked us to go with them. Where? They wanted to go swim in the darker color of the water which is actually the deeper part of the sea. :| Without hesitation, we went there with them but I was the one using the huge "salbabida" because I do not know how to swim. The next thing that happened is that I am not sure of but as far as I can remember my friend who was holding my "salbabida" from the outside turned  it the other way around that caused me to get out of the "salbabida" and drown. I can not breathe anymore when I was under the water of course and when my friend got my hand and lifted me up from the under, I was crying hardly and could not say anything. I thought I was going to die already but when I got out of the water all I was thinking and saying to myself was "THANK YOU LORD! THANK YOU PO TALAGA!" :(( 

That was not the first and the last time that I almost die I guess. :| When I was in second year high school I went to Shangri La Hotel in EDSA Ortigas with my teammates in PGC. Ysabell Morales invited us to go there for bonding and swimming. So when we were already swimming in the pool, Ate Ainie and Ate Ira wanted to go and play in the deeper part of the pool. It is 10ft. or more if I remembered it right. I asked first Ate Ira if she can hold and guide me there because I do not know how to swim but I wanted to play with them then she said "Of course I can! Marunong naman ako magswim eh." I trust Ate Ira! :D
Then we went across the line to the deeper part of the pool, at first I can still manage to float myself and hold my head up the water but as we go far Ate Ira could not hold me up anymore because I am taller than her. LOL =)) So AGAIN...I WAS DROWNED. I could not breathe anymore under the water and the last thing I said  that I would never forget is "KAYO (GOD) NA PO BAHALA SAKIN." I thought I died already. But our other teammates who did not went there with us thought that we were just playing so they were just laughing the whole time, they said. It was when the time that a lifeguard jumped into the pool that they all realized that I was already drowning. After I said my last line, I felt someone pushed me to the rope so I can hold it and swim myself up. It was indeed a miracle for me! :">

These things that happened to me before were not the only times that I witness God's goodness but these experiences will never be erased from my memory because it reminds me that God is always with me guiding me through all the way, no matter what. So from then on, I do not worry anymore if I am alone wherever I go because I know God is always walking with me. :D

It strengthened my FAITH to HIM. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011 --- Expect more laughters with tears! =))

     As 2010 ends, I knew my Christmas and New Year break will be like an ordinary vacation for me or should I say ordinary weeks with no classes. 

     My grandmother was confined to the hospital a week before Christmas and I know my parents do not have money any more for us to prepare something for the Noche Buena and the Medya Noche.(hope i spelled it right. LOL) Actually, this is not a big problem because I really do not expect to see lots of delicious food on our table. But traditionally, we are celebrating Christmas and New Year in a way that we are waiting for the 12 in the midnight of 24th and 31st of December with our families, relatives and friends. This is a time of reuniting our loved ones for the special occasion. For us, we celebrated those two midnights in a more simple way meaning we just prepared pasta, one whole chicken, cake and leche flan, and of course fruits are always in for Christmas and New Year. 

     On the nights before Christmas and New Year I attended the Holy Mass in my alma mater, Colegio de Sta. Rosa, with my mom, dad and older brother. I wish my grandmother also was with us but she could not go outside the house because of her sickness and her body is too weak already for her to walk. After hearing the mass, we went straight home to eat then after eating just waited for an hour then we all went to sleep. That was how simple our holidays went last December. Unlike other families that they really had their reunion parties in their houses, played a lot of games and ate lots of food. Sad to say but I never did experience attending family reunions because my relatives in both sides (father and mother) are all living far away from us. Some live in Australia, U.S, and the others are all in the provinces like in Palawan and Bicol. How I wish I could celebrate the holidays with my other relatives because honestly I do not even know the names of my other cousins especially those who are living in Palawan. 

     Enough of the drama! =)) Anyway, I expect this year to be different! Well I experienced a terrible heartache last 2010, cried on a lot of things and was pissed because of all the problems I encountered. Time to live my life better :D Hopefully the heartache will turn into laughters this year, the tears I cried will turn into smiles, and the problems I had will just be the same (I know!) but I wish I could handle it and experience no worries at all. 


It is not bad to forget those hard times in the year that has passed,but it is right to LEAVE THOSE MEMORIES and LEARN FROM ALL THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST.

WITH MY FRIENDS BESIDE ME... I hope you all know who you are! =))
But if not, don't worry I'll let you know every day that...
And I want you all to know that aside from my family,relatives, and mentors, YOU ARE ALL THOSE WHO MADE ME SEE HOW SPECIAL TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED :">


This NEW YEAR...I will start A NEW LIFE, NEW BEGINNING, NEW CHALLENGES. And I know I can make it for as long as GOD IS ALWAYS IN MY HEART and WITH YOU AROUND! ;)

NOOOOYCE!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA  =))