Monday, April 18, 2011


I always have my dance workshop every summer that is why my life is never boring when the summer vacation starts. This is what makes me busy even though there are no more classes in school. It is already a part of my routine during summer.

This year I have grabbed an opportunity of joining Gawad Kalinga’s Bayani Challenge 2011. It was held in Bantayan Island, Cebu for one week. I had no idea what will going to happen in the event because it was only my first time to join in any Build activities of that foundation. Gawad Kalinga is the Philippine-based poverty alleviation and nation building movement. It is an honor to be part of this foundation for the homeless people in my country. But I have to admit that I when this activity was promoted in our school, the only reason why I wanted to join here is because number of hours will be credited for my NSTP and it is the perfect chance for me to finish my 60 hours of community service that is required for me to finish that curriculum.

I was hesitant to ask permission from my parents because I know it is far for them, it will take me out of the house for a week and that has never happened before. But I badly want to join there for me to finish my required hours. It is the only chance I got because my NSTP portfolio is due on June already. (Cramming mode again) Fortunately, when I told my parents about this whole Bayani Challenge, they allowed me to join and they also gave me money to pay all the expenses needed. I was indeed lucky also because my parents gave me extra money if ever I will need it there.

So it was April 3, 4 o’clock in the morning, I woke up this early because our flight is at 7 and we have to get to the airport by 5. Jian fetched me and we went to the airport together. I was very excited that day because it is my first time to travel to a far place (yes! Cebu is already far for me) with my friends/block mates. And the most exciting part there was I got to have a vacation without my parents. It was slightly an independent feeling to be going out without any older people with you.
We sensed some bad vibes as soon as we got to the Mactan Cebu airport. Damn! We’re right! We waited inside an ordinary bus for 2 hours before we got to leave the airport and headed to the port where we went to ride a Ro-ro ship towards Bantayan Island. Our bus trip from the airport took us almost four hours instead of the expected 3-hour trip because we needed to have a stop-over for our lunch. When we were in a carinderia, we were all surprised with their water dispenser because it has a token machine where you need to insert a peso for it to work and each peso is for like half a glass of water only. That kind of water dispenser can be found in all areas of the Cebu province. We left Hagnayan port by 2:30 in the afternoon and spent an hour trip to Bantayan Island. While we were in the ship, we all realized that we travelled through the three elements (air, land, water) for half a day. When we finally got to the island our initial problem is that we didn’t know how to get to the inn where we will stay. Good thing that it is in our booking package in Yooneek Inn (where we booked for a week stay) that they will fetch us in the port because we were already exhausted on our trip. After settling our things in to our room we went to Sta. Fe school ground to register for the Bayani Challenge because it is the official camp site of the event. The whole Bayani Challenge Build activity is scheduled the next day, meaning the remaining time of that day is our free time to be on the beach or do whatever we want to do. Before going to the beach for a swim, we first prepared on what we are going to eat for dinner. We already pay for the food package of 700 pesos but it is only for the 4th of April until the 9th (Bayani Challenge event schedule).

After settling all our needs, we spent the whole afternoon on the beach and the sunset was so beautiful. It was indeed PERFECT! J Actually we really didn’t get to swim because it was very low tide that time. We were walking already far from the shore but the water is still on our knees and we don’t want to go farther because we were a bit scared. So we just hanged out and sat on the beach until it got dark. Literally it was too dark when the sun went down so we went back to our inn already.

After dinner we went to the camp site for our team meeting and a sort of an orientation of what we are going to do for the 6 days of build activities. During the meeting, I knew something that really made my heart melt with sympathy. One of our team leaders said that we are there to help the people in Bantayan Island, we should build hopes and not only homes for them because there is a saying that the island will vanish after ten years. People there have nothing that they could do but accept the fact.

So when our build activities started, that heart breaking rumor stuck in my mind and while we were with them in their homes we were trying our best to make them feel that there is still hope and we Filipinos are there to help them. I can see through their smiles how they are coping up with their lifestyles. Yes they are truly hungry for so many things, the things that the people in the city have. I witnessed how they strive hard to survive. And in our one week stay in that island, something in me changed somehow. I know that there are lots of people who cannot have what I have and could have. And I felt really sad when the event ended because we have to leave the place and the very nice persons living in that island. The Bantayan people are very hospitable and welcoming. They made us feel that we are truly appreciated by all of them and it was so touching.

I would never forget all the talks every night in the Bayani Challenge. It is like our recollection time after the whole day build for us to understand more the meaning of volunteerism and the things that we could still do despite of the economic problems of our country. These things are important for us because we are the citizens of our country and we should care for our fellow citizens as well. Tito Tony Meloto, the head in Gawad Kalinga, said in his inspirational talk during our first night:

 “We are better than the genie, we grant the wishes and dreams of every Filipino.”

“We” represents all of us who sacrificed to volunteer in that one week Bayani Challenge in Bantayan Island. I feel so proud that I am one of the people who want to grant the wishes and dreams of our unfortunate fellow citizens. Tito Tony also encouraged all of us to leave a legacy, something that we will not share to others but give. As good Filipinos and lovers of the country, even though we are now losing hope because of our financial problems in our lives we should not dwell on the problem but seek on the solution. We should be creative and always try to make ways for our positive motives. And lastly, we should have a vision and include others in our vision. Through these things, we could make a change and make Philippines a better place to live in for the next generations.

I was also touched when I saw that there are lots of foreigners from the U.S.A, Singapore, Canada and Australia came to the country to join the Bayani Challenge in Cebu. They are not pure Filipinos and some are not Filipinos at all but they love the Philippines and the people living in here. They travelled from their own countries to devote their time and efforts to build homes for the poor. If those people who are not Filipinos can sacrifice for our fellow citizens, us who are truly Filipinos should be more responsible enough in taking part for the lives of the homeless people in our country.

Aside from all these motivating and inspirational talks, over all I enjoyed my stay in Bantayan Island doing something fruitful while spending also a sort of vacation with my friends and block mates. Truly this summer escapade experience is unforgettable and I am looking forward for another Bayani Challenge next year. Hopefully, we could join again and be part of the people power because Gawad Kalinga is People Power!

Surviving outside our comfort zone for a week is what made our Bayani Challenge experience worthwhile! :)

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