Saturday, December 31, 2011


I have so many things going on in my mind but I probably don't know where to start.
my 2011 went okay, steady but not that great.
well, we all had our ups and downs this year and it will already be part of the history later at midnight.
it is just up to us how will we want to remember all our experiences or maybe how we want to forget the bad ones.

for me, I think I don't want to forget anything from my 2011 because even though the year has been so tough I can still see it as a lesson. my professor in my Theology class said to us that things appear differently in how you view it. yes indeed, we all have our own views in life, own preferences. and for the first time, mine is on the positive side. :D

okay...let's start
i hope this will not sound bitter or what because I am definitely not. I just want to jut down all the things in my mind right now before the year ends.
A year will pass again and I am proud of myself for overcoming a serious heartbreak.
There are lots of factors in my life that helped me in getting better of the experience.

Number one in the list would be my Faith in Him.
before (and it means way before or matagal na matagal na), I used to pray for a second chance. That some day, at the right time I will be able to talk to him and we'll be okay again in terms of our relationship. But as time pass, my prayer went to be this way: I hope I can just meet people who can help me make new memories that will cover up the bad ones in my love life.
and then a lot of things happen...

my parents especially my mom became lenient to me somehow. pinapayagan na ko umalis once in awhile. although still most of my paalams are just alibis for her to permit me to go out, I can see that mas maluwag na siya sakin compared before. Thank God really for this, cos if not I might probably be in my emo-ing stage right now. hahaha!  i got leisure time for my friends or my barkadas which I enjoyed the most! I had so many bonding moments with lots of my friends. (movie dates, hang-out trips, inuman trips, overnight, swimming bonding, lahat it!) 

but there is one thing that happened this year that did the biggest way to help me move on.
last Sept.25 in Mega Mall, we unexpectedly saw each other and talked for awhile. maybe that moment is a closure for us already because after that,  my mind and emotion suddenly felt in peace. I cannot deny that I still cried a bit that time but it's okay. I just released all the pain that is left inside and now I'm really really happy that I cannot feel any pain in my chest. (long story to tell but that's the point)

enough of me....
the biggest lesson in the year 2011 would be the lessons we learned hearing, seeing and experiencing the natural calamities either here in our own country or even outside.
it would be so selfish of me if I only think of my past good or bad experiences when in fact there are people out there crying and suffering because of loss of their loved ones.
I just heard a mass, the last one I will attend for this year and it was an eye opening. As we celebrate the New Year, let us not forget that a lot of our fellow citizens all over the world are not that lucky as we are to celebrate the new year with complete family. I realized that my petty problems about my love life, or about my relationship with my family is just a small thing. The thing is, I should not dwell on those and look at the brighter side. I know it's a cliche' but that's the truth. I want this year to be different, well every year is different but only if I choose to be.

2012 is somewhat scary to think of because of the rumors before that the year 2012 is the end of the world. It will be the end of the world if you believe it will be. I DO NOT.

I have so much plans this year.
I have so much hope.
I have so many dreams.
I will use this coming year for those :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

For Once

if you know me long enough, you will probably agree with almost all of my friends who say that I am "slow".
yeah slow... in terms of pag-gets ng mga jokes, or sarcasm of my friends.
...or in any conversation where I am always the one who will ask the questions "Bakit? Bakit?" or "Ano yun ulit?"
sometimes I admit that hindi ko talaga gets, but there are times that I ask those questions just to clarify that what I am thinking is correct. Ayoko naman kasi minsan mag-react agad on things tas mali pala iniisip ko.

"SLOW KA TALAGA" or "SLOW NANAMAN SI MAF"...well immune na ko to hear these statements from my friends. okay lang. Minsan we just laugh it off nalang para hindi offensive yung dating.
but there are times that it bothers me already. especially when I'm serious on asking about something that I really don't know but then all I will hear is the term "SLOW". (I ignore it nalang to prevent misunderstandings or whatsoever)

Okay I admit masaya naman minsan yung asarin ako ng "SLOW" pero with the other terms like "BOBO" / "TANGA"...slight offensive na siya for me but then, I tend to not look like I am already offended or pissed because sometimes I am not sure if they are just fooling around or they already mean it.

Honestly, I never like the fact that my friends can say those words to me. Yeah joketime but doing it almost every time isn't good already. I remember my teacher telling us about "labeling to children".
It means that when you label someone especially a young kid with for example "pasaway", there is a great possibility that he will live on to that label because that's what he always hear which makes him think that when he hears the word "pasaway" it is already accepted that it is him.

I am scared that I am now acting like a kid who accepted already the terms my friends coined me.
I'm pretty sure that I am not those kind of shits.

I laugh out loud to jokes and pang-aasar.
but I wish people know how to stop and realize that it is already below the belt.
I believe that I deserve some RESPECT as a woman and as a human being.
Yes, as a woman because i get so offended by my guy friends.
okay lang naman asarin nila ako, but sometimes the words they use on me are not that good to hear from guys. parang nakakababae na! (lol)  it sounds funny but just like for guys, for me it is already stepping on my ego as a girl.


This is my thought in general. so for my friends who can read this, I don't mean something bad. 
I hope you'll just understand and respect my part. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


This is my final paper for my Women in Management subject during my first semester as a third year student.
This class is hell boring especially our schedule with it because it's a Saturday and it's after lunch.
But we dealt with it for the whole semester. As for me, I didn't quite perform well in this class because if I was not absent during classes, I was always asleep in the room.

For our Finals week, our professor instructed us to make a final paper about  a successful woman and we should be able to report her life and how she became successful in front of the class to pull up our grades especially for those who have below average grades in the subject. I assumed that I am one of those who are low in the class because of my performance :| so I decided to make an effort with this paper and report it nicely in the class.

But because I was too lazy, I just decided to make the paper and my presentation night before our report and I was not even decided yet who I am going to report. And suddenly I saw a post in my facebook that "Nay Jen", our choreographer in Orange Dance Studio, was just awarded for the GoNegosyo something so it was really perfect for me to do my report about her. Plus it is already an advantage for me because I know well her life and why is she successful for me. And and and .... it is just so easy to look for her profile and details about her in the website of Orange Dance Studio.

Educational Attainment:
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design – University of Santo Tomas (UST), College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA)

Dance Background:
Jennifer Real-Lim trained with Ballet Philippines for 8 years, with her outstanding performance, she won the prestigious award from the Royal Academy of Dancing in London. After having perfected the discipline of ballet, her passion for the art of dancing moved her to Jazz and Streetjazz, which gained her exclusive membership with Adrenalin and affiliation with Powerdance. With her excellent vigor and versatility, she without surprise became the Artistic Director & Head Choreographer of the UST CAFA Dance Troupe & Miriam Sayawatha Dance Troupe. From thereon, Mrs. Lim concentrated on hiphop / streetdance in 1996, together with partner and husband Dexter Lim and established Orange Dance Studio in 2001, which is now renowned as one of the pioneering dance institutions in the metro. Undeniably, Mrs. Jen Real-Lim with her husband Mr. Dexter Lim has shaped the talents of many, moreover, continuously honing any dancer’s utmost potential in the art of dance.

Outstanding Trait:
Mrs. Jen Real-Lim or “Nay Jen” as their students in Orange Dance Studio call them is a religious person. She is an active member of Victory Church and uses dance as a form of gratitude for all the blessings she has been receiving all her life including her two children.

She is a leader because she greatly influences her students in dancing and in life. In Orange Dance Studio, she leads the CORE (a group of home-grown choreographers) and guide them to be pillars of the studio in developing their students in dancing and also in transforming their lives by being role models for the students. Actually, she leads everyone inside the studio because she is the main decision-maker.

She is a Human Resource type of leader because she leads through caring, supporting and empowering her students.

How do people see her

People in her influence see her as “Nanay” to all that is why her students call her “Nay Jen”.
“As her student for 7 years now, she is like my second mom already. She is not just a choreographer, she is my mentor”

How did she make an impact in their life/career

Some of the CORE people who are the ambassadors of Orange Dance Studio are just regular students of Orange before who have their own vices and are not active in Church. When they became CORE members, some presented themselves to be baptized as Christians because they want to develop their characters and transform their lives through bible-based lessons and teachings in life.
These people have different careers. Some are still in college, some are working in a degree and some stayed loyal and work full time in Orange. Even if they have different career paths, they still go to Orange and manage their time to dance because of their passion that is inspired by “Nay Jen”.


Upon studying the life of “Nay Jen”, I realized that you will be successful in something that you love to do most. It is not just about studying whatever course you may want but it is how passionate you are in what you are doing.

I also realized how much I am inspired by Nay Jen in all aspects from her religious life and how she devotes herself in her faith to God; her love and family life because she now has two cute little kids with her LIFE DANCE PARTNER; her career, because she is awarded in STARpreneur and also I know how successful she is right now with the fast growing population of students in Orange Dance Studio.

Somehow, I wish to be like her when I finish college.

See myself as a future leader of my desired career/field

In my career related to my course, I do not have any specific vision of myself yet.
But with my dancing career, as one of the members of CORE in Orange Dance Studio, I see myself as an ambassador of the studio just how Nay Jen envisioned us to be, teaching the students to be great dancers and transform their lives and develop their characters.

Personifying the Assumption College’s Women of Faith and Women of Action

I think I will be able to personify AC’s Women of Faith because I believe that I can do all things with the strength God is giving me and through my faith I know I can go no wrong. Women of Action, because I will use my talents and skills to serve others as my way of giving gratitude for all the blessing He has given me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


(a story out of this drawing)

He commits himself and has passion for sports. He is a soccer player ever since in high school. He is a heartthrob type of guy that if he just studied in a co-ed school during high school he would probably had many girlfriends by now. He is the kind of guy that would make the heads of the girls turn around and stop at him especially when he kicks that ball in the soccer field. Did I mention that he is the captain ball of the soccer team since he was a freshman? Imagine how good that player is.

It is his third year in college and until now he never settles himself with a formal girlfriend. All the girls he had during his early years in college do not end up so well but there is this girl who always has a crush on him since kindergarten. She is his childhood friend and their families are closely related since they live in the same village for years. They are still both on the stage of in denial of something because they know with themselves that the feelings they had for each other when they were young are still there but they never get the chance to get along with each other exclusively. The problem with this guy is he always ignores his feelings for that girl and plays with so many other girls that he would never want to have a serious relationship with. He believes that making girls fall in love with him and then suddenly making them cry is what he does best. Of course his teammates in soccer look up to him for that.

On FIFA day (a national soccer tournament)
They bumped to each other.  The girl hurries in the hallway to catch up with her friends who already got her seat for the game.
Her: “Oh hi Zyane! G..g..goodluck!”
Him: “Hey thanks!”
With a puzzled look, he continued heading towards the locker room. He suddenly felt a fast heart beat not because of the game but because of the girl.

The game turned out to be as expected, winning the championship and him as the MVP. Belle waited on the hallway near the locker room of the players to congratulate Zyane for another victory and see if she can invite him for them to go home together because her friends already left. Apparently, the guys always celebrate their victory to their favorite party place after the game so instead of going home, they left the stadium together for the party. 

Zyane rides the car with awe in the back of his mind because it is the first time that he will be going to their victory party with a girl riding on his passenger seat. He never did that with so many girls he had because for him, their victory party is their boys’ night out but this time is different. Belle tries to ignore her feelings the whole night because she doesn’t want her admiration for him to be that obvious in front of his teammates. Gathered around the huge table are 11 buff guys and a delicate pretty girl, Belle. The boys couldn’t help but to ask Zyane.

Teammate1: “Who is she Zyane? Why don’t you introduce her to us?”
Zyane: “Alright this is Belle, a good childhood friend who also lives in our village. Her friends left her so I took her with us.”
Another teammate put his arms on his shoulder and softly whispered:
Teammate2: “Is she your new suspect?”
Zyane: “Hell no! Have some respect for the girl. I can’t let her go home alone, it’s already late besides her parents entrusted her to me”

That is the first time Zyane mentioned the word “Respect” and what’s more shocking than that is he is asking for his teammate to respect the girl which he has never done before with his past girls.  Truly there is something new with him because of that girl.

The night passed out and it was already 6:00 in the morning. Zyane rode to Starbucks to have some coffee while Belle is fast asleep in his car. He just took the coffee from the drive thru and headed to their village so he can send her home. On their way, Belle was suddenly awake and no one tries to speak half of the trip. Then,
Zyane: “How are you feeling?”
Belle: “tired.”
Zyane: “I meant how do you feel about me?”
Belle: “huh?”
Zyane has this style for tricking his girls. But this time, he is serious with no smile or laugh at all unlike what he always does. As if he had taken some weird medicine to have the guts of asking that question to Belle. He stopped the car and waited for an answer.
Belle: “uhh..uhmm..I don’t know what to say.”
Zyane: “I can see that”
Belle: “Well it’s been years but I haven’t felt something like that ever since.”
Zyane: “What’s that?”
Belle: “It’s not the best time to talk about things like this. Maybe you’re just in a hangover situation. Let’s go home.”
Zyane: “No, I’m perfectly fine but since you said this is not the perfect time to talk about this. How about later? I’ll pick you up 6:00 in the evening let’s have dinner.”
Belle: “Uhhh…Okay. Thanks by the way.”
Zyane: (in a very soft voice) “It’s always been you”
Belle: “What?”
Zyane: “My pleasure”
Then he just smiled at her.

Friday, April 22, 2011

i am nobody's possession...neither i can own somebody

why do we usually feel good whenever someone tells us "You're mine" or "I am only yours"???
technically it sounds great and it really feels good knowing that someone knows your worth that is why he or she wants to own you, and it is indeed pleasant in our ears to hear that somebody is giving himself or herself to you. these lines are some kind of a promise to you that you will always be together, that nothing or no one can ever break you two apart. 

I always wanted to hear these things from the person I dear the most. who would not?!
like any other person in the world, I always wish for a healthy and happy relationship. who would not?!
my mind never stops thinking about my "what if's" concerning my first relationship.

  • what if i did not break up with him?
  • what if i did that?
  • what if i obeyed all the things he wanted me to do?
  • what if i changed all the things that he does not like about me?
  • what if i did not ever try to go against him just for myself?
  • what if we tried even harder for our relationship to work out? i know we can, that time. :|
(but that was BEFORE :p)

there's no more pain in my chest.
i am proudly to say that i do not have regrets anymore. 
i feel so light now, much lighter than before.
with the 11 months i had without him, i had enough time for me to realize all the things i need to realize for myself. 
i am so blessed with friends who never get tired of listening to my story and to my unending pagdadrama.

i realized that everything i wished for my longed relationship didn't came true with that person. i was just too weak to accept in myself that there are lots of things i never did wish to happen with him, i was too blinded to see that he does not deserve me. (this is not bitterness) i wanted to hear so many sweet words form him but that never happened. i made myself believe that he only has his own sweetness that's why he never uttered those sweet words i longed to hear from him. words like YOU'RE MINE, I'M YOURS, I LOVE YOU...he said he loves me before but "love you" is different from "i love you". just like how different it is when someone tells you something sweet with your name. (am i right?) these things are simple yet true. 

but i guess that's just the way love goes. i loved him, i loved him too much that i already forgot my standards. 
when i attended an inspiring talk about love just this February, i learned so many mind and heart was enlightened by the words of the pastor. 

  • FIX YOUR EYES ON THE SOUL-MAKER FIRST ... you cannot feel someone loves you dearly if you are still not contented with the love that God is giving you. love Him first before you get to love someone else. He should be our source of love. 
  • FIX YOURSELVES FIRST ... in order for you to commit yourself to someone, you should be totally ready first. fix your personal issues first and don't carry baggages (problems/issues) when you go into a relationship because if you two carry your own baggages, nothing good will happen and you are just bringing something that will break you apart.
  • FIX YOUR STANDARDS ... lastly, know and be sure of what you want in your life. if you know your standards, it will be easy for you to look for your soul mate or it will be easy for you to see who your soul mate is if you finally meet him/her.
these are the things i learned and made a change in my thinking towards my love life. :D
and the most important thing i realized is that you don't need to own someone neither do someone has to own you to know that they really love you. every person is not a possession and the only one who owns us is God.  If we only learn to give our whole lives and surrender our souls to Him, He will give us everything that we need, He will provide us what our souls need. 

Monday, April 18, 2011


I always have my dance workshop every summer that is why my life is never boring when the summer vacation starts. This is what makes me busy even though there are no more classes in school. It is already a part of my routine during summer.

This year I have grabbed an opportunity of joining Gawad Kalinga’s Bayani Challenge 2011. It was held in Bantayan Island, Cebu for one week. I had no idea what will going to happen in the event because it was only my first time to join in any Build activities of that foundation. Gawad Kalinga is the Philippine-based poverty alleviation and nation building movement. It is an honor to be part of this foundation for the homeless people in my country. But I have to admit that I when this activity was promoted in our school, the only reason why I wanted to join here is because number of hours will be credited for my NSTP and it is the perfect chance for me to finish my 60 hours of community service that is required for me to finish that curriculum.

I was hesitant to ask permission from my parents because I know it is far for them, it will take me out of the house for a week and that has never happened before. But I badly want to join there for me to finish my required hours. It is the only chance I got because my NSTP portfolio is due on June already. (Cramming mode again) Fortunately, when I told my parents about this whole Bayani Challenge, they allowed me to join and they also gave me money to pay all the expenses needed. I was indeed lucky also because my parents gave me extra money if ever I will need it there.

So it was April 3, 4 o’clock in the morning, I woke up this early because our flight is at 7 and we have to get to the airport by 5. Jian fetched me and we went to the airport together. I was very excited that day because it is my first time to travel to a far place (yes! Cebu is already far for me) with my friends/block mates. And the most exciting part there was I got to have a vacation without my parents. It was slightly an independent feeling to be going out without any older people with you.
We sensed some bad vibes as soon as we got to the Mactan Cebu airport. Damn! We’re right! We waited inside an ordinary bus for 2 hours before we got to leave the airport and headed to the port where we went to ride a Ro-ro ship towards Bantayan Island. Our bus trip from the airport took us almost four hours instead of the expected 3-hour trip because we needed to have a stop-over for our lunch. When we were in a carinderia, we were all surprised with their water dispenser because it has a token machine where you need to insert a peso for it to work and each peso is for like half a glass of water only. That kind of water dispenser can be found in all areas of the Cebu province. We left Hagnayan port by 2:30 in the afternoon and spent an hour trip to Bantayan Island. While we were in the ship, we all realized that we travelled through the three elements (air, land, water) for half a day. When we finally got to the island our initial problem is that we didn’t know how to get to the inn where we will stay. Good thing that it is in our booking package in Yooneek Inn (where we booked for a week stay) that they will fetch us in the port because we were already exhausted on our trip. After settling our things in to our room we went to Sta. Fe school ground to register for the Bayani Challenge because it is the official camp site of the event. The whole Bayani Challenge Build activity is scheduled the next day, meaning the remaining time of that day is our free time to be on the beach or do whatever we want to do. Before going to the beach for a swim, we first prepared on what we are going to eat for dinner. We already pay for the food package of 700 pesos but it is only for the 4th of April until the 9th (Bayani Challenge event schedule).

After settling all our needs, we spent the whole afternoon on the beach and the sunset was so beautiful. It was indeed PERFECT! J Actually we really didn’t get to swim because it was very low tide that time. We were walking already far from the shore but the water is still on our knees and we don’t want to go farther because we were a bit scared. So we just hanged out and sat on the beach until it got dark. Literally it was too dark when the sun went down so we went back to our inn already.

After dinner we went to the camp site for our team meeting and a sort of an orientation of what we are going to do for the 6 days of build activities. During the meeting, I knew something that really made my heart melt with sympathy. One of our team leaders said that we are there to help the people in Bantayan Island, we should build hopes and not only homes for them because there is a saying that the island will vanish after ten years. People there have nothing that they could do but accept the fact.

So when our build activities started, that heart breaking rumor stuck in my mind and while we were with them in their homes we were trying our best to make them feel that there is still hope and we Filipinos are there to help them. I can see through their smiles how they are coping up with their lifestyles. Yes they are truly hungry for so many things, the things that the people in the city have. I witnessed how they strive hard to survive. And in our one week stay in that island, something in me changed somehow. I know that there are lots of people who cannot have what I have and could have. And I felt really sad when the event ended because we have to leave the place and the very nice persons living in that island. The Bantayan people are very hospitable and welcoming. They made us feel that we are truly appreciated by all of them and it was so touching.

I would never forget all the talks every night in the Bayani Challenge. It is like our recollection time after the whole day build for us to understand more the meaning of volunteerism and the things that we could still do despite of the economic problems of our country. These things are important for us because we are the citizens of our country and we should care for our fellow citizens as well. Tito Tony Meloto, the head in Gawad Kalinga, said in his inspirational talk during our first night:

 “We are better than the genie, we grant the wishes and dreams of every Filipino.”

“We” represents all of us who sacrificed to volunteer in that one week Bayani Challenge in Bantayan Island. I feel so proud that I am one of the people who want to grant the wishes and dreams of our unfortunate fellow citizens. Tito Tony also encouraged all of us to leave a legacy, something that we will not share to others but give. As good Filipinos and lovers of the country, even though we are now losing hope because of our financial problems in our lives we should not dwell on the problem but seek on the solution. We should be creative and always try to make ways for our positive motives. And lastly, we should have a vision and include others in our vision. Through these things, we could make a change and make Philippines a better place to live in for the next generations.

I was also touched when I saw that there are lots of foreigners from the U.S.A, Singapore, Canada and Australia came to the country to join the Bayani Challenge in Cebu. They are not pure Filipinos and some are not Filipinos at all but they love the Philippines and the people living in here. They travelled from their own countries to devote their time and efforts to build homes for the poor. If those people who are not Filipinos can sacrifice for our fellow citizens, us who are truly Filipinos should be more responsible enough in taking part for the lives of the homeless people in our country.

Aside from all these motivating and inspirational talks, over all I enjoyed my stay in Bantayan Island doing something fruitful while spending also a sort of vacation with my friends and block mates. Truly this summer escapade experience is unforgettable and I am looking forward for another Bayani Challenge next year. Hopefully, we could join again and be part of the people power because Gawad Kalinga is People Power!

Surviving outside our comfort zone for a week is what made our Bayani Challenge experience worthwhile! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose."


These people are my closest friends right now, and will forever be. :">
We all have different lives, we come from different schools or some are already working but what make us united.....
We may not be close friends for a long time but I know our friendship will last. We are of different ages and I love the way we compliment each other. It is nice to have ATE's and KUYA's in BARKADA. There is always someone to look after you, give you advices, comfort you at anytime of the day, try to make you laugh like it's the end of everything, make you smile always, make you wanna eat a lot even if you're on diet, make you dance the craziest moves, make you try the things you never try before, make you laugh alone through text,  and someone who will make you realize that 
(so why do i need to remember that heartache before when MY PRESENT and FUTURE is way way BETTER and when I know that these people are beside me and ready to lift me up no matter what :"> )
I may not be blessed as others when it comes to love life. I may not have someone special right now (you know what i mean). I may not have a person to share my sweetness with. BUT ONE THING IS FOR SURE I HAVE THAT I CAN BE PROUD OF...and that is 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Death Penalty YES, Murder NO!

“Have you ever thought of how many criminals escape punishment, and yet, the victims never have the chance to do that?” this is the question of J. Edgar Hoover, the late director of Federal Bureau of Investigations in the United States.

If someone was murdered, is it just? Is it not violating human’s right to live? But why should we take the lives also of the killers in return? Think about this, a criminal on a death row still have the chance to prepare for his death, make a will of testament for his family, and even change his life for the remaining days he have. But a victim of murder by stabbing or a victim of rape, theft and other crimes, do they have the chance of preparing for their deaths? Of course they do not have chance anymore. They are killed mercilessly and even worse, their bodies are just thrown elsewhere. Lucky to those victims whose are bodies found and given a proper burial. But what about to those who are not? To those bodies left in a place on earth where no one could see and they are left rotten already, is it humane?

They say that the death penalty condemns the innocent to die. Before any person is executed, there is an extremely strict process to be done by twelve members of carefully selected jury to decide. There, all the proofs of whether the criminal is guilty or not are presented and cautiously tested. Saying that innocents are condemned to die is not a valid argument for in the first place they will not be imprisoned if they are not guilty of the crime. And the department of justice is firm on a life and death situations like a person to be executed on a crime he committed. The one who should be regarded as innocent is not the one who will be executed but the victim who died. The victim is an innocent person mercilessly killed by a murderer. For whatever reason it was, the thing is you should not kill an innocent person.

Thousands of people are attacking death penalty. The first argument that they always raise is an innocent man or woman is sentenced of an execution of the crime he or she did not commit. They say that these people are victims of death penalty and it is unjust for them. Do they not realize and remember the victims who are killed of the murderers? An article from the internet says:

“Out of a sample of 164 paroled Georgia murderers, eight committed subsequent murders within seven years of release. A study of twenty Oregon murderers released on parole in 1979 found that one (i.e., five percent) had committed a subsequent homicide within five years of release. Another study found that of 11,404 persons originally convicted of "willful homicide" and released during 1965 and 1974, 34 were returned to prison for commission of a subsequent criminal homicide during the first year alone.”

If these murderers are executed and penalized for the crimes they did at first, many innocent lives should have been saved. If people will continue to commit such crimes, this world will never be a better place to live in especially for the future generations. Death penalty is just like a lesson to children. In childhood, we learned that in order for you to receive a reward you must do something good and if you do something bad, surely, you will have to do a penalty. That is just the way it is. These laws are created to attain order in the society. Its purpose is not to kill people but to achieve and manage peace and order in the world.

The very notion that one could be cruel while punishing a guilty murderer for murdering an innocent victim is pathetic.

Death penalty is moral and just. We must always remember that no one has to be executed or sentenced to death penalty if no one murders and take lives of the innocent people. Murderers are not innocent people fighting for their lives in prison. Let us put in our mentality that victim rights are more important than criminal rights. DEATH PENALTY YES, MURDER NO!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

i ain't gonna think about you anymore! (OH PLEASE!)

i really thought after 8 months...okay na lahat
i thought i'm happy already...somehow hindi parin pala
it's been 8 months and 25 days...
why can't i still totally move on?! :|

and now i just realized if it's not about a highlight moment of my day that i am putting here in my's all about me not getting over the past :(( damn! 

maybe i'm feeling this because the 14th is already coming and i'm feeling so alone.
i have ways though to forget these sad truths:
1. DANCE...non-stop training! so LOVABLE BARKADA 
   actually if they will be able to read this..k i'm dead! :| so quote&quote "crush" ... waepek talaga! :| I TRIED!
4.of course trying to get myself busy with schoolworks and working on my grades. well this one is exceptional!
5.trying to fill my head with happy thoughts by listening to happy songs but ended up listening to the emo ones 


trying to stick this song to my head: AIN'T THINKING ABOUT YOU!!!!!

Wasting time, steady trying to get you back;
Get you back in my life (you don’t care, you don’t care)

I’m not looking for love, cause he’s gone
I just wanna have a good time and keep you off my mind


i promise this to myself: I WILL NOT FEEL SAD ON THE 14TH 

Please Lord help me not to feel this anymore.
Enlighten my mind that there are so much better things that I should spend my time thinking about and not to these same old crappy crazy stuffs about the past.
I know you gave this experience to me not to burden my life but to teach me with so many lessons. Thank you still dear God.
You once gave me a very special person in my heart and in my life. 
You used him to make me happy in one chapter of my life. You used him to make me realize a lot of things. I appreciate that even though I only had him for a short span of time in my life, I know I would never forget the love I had with him because I believe that You Lord lived in him that time for me to feel Your presence and to experience not the heartbreak that I got but the love that a special person could give to me. I believe Lord that You have better plans for me. I'm not here waiting only for the time that You will give me another one. I'm here to enjoy every second of my life that You gave me for me to have enough time for myself and my priorities.
Thank you so much Dear Lord.
You are my Loveliest!
And I want You to know Lord that I WANT TO BE YOUR VALENTINE :')

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

new style...same old story --- ADAPTATIONS

This is a book review of 3 old fairytales :)

     "CINDERFELLA", "RED", and "THE BOY WHO NEVER GROWS UP" are good works of adaptation made by some students from Assumption College for their Creative Writing subject. From the original fairytales of "CINDERELLA", "LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD" and "PETER PAN", the adaptations stories were well written because even if the stories were modernized and have different styles, the changes were good enough to remember the original message and theme of the fairytales. The writers did their adaptations in a manner that they made sure that their future readers will think logically that the alternations they did are necessary from the original ones. The characterization of the three stories do not differ from the fairytales except for the "Cinderfella", but it became such because the main character is a guy which means "fella" in slang.

In the first adaptation story which is "Cinderfella", a reader would say that he or she can relate to the situations presented in the story because in the generation today, teenagers desire on thing and that is'freedom'. In the case of Milo who is the "fella", he wanted to escape from the evil family that was left for him after the death of his father. He demanded emancipation and that is what he got at the end of the story. This emancipation represents the happiness he was longing for and like any other teenagers in the world today, they also would want to enjoy life at their young age.

     For the little girl Red in the adaptation story of "Little Red Riding Hood", she represents every child who is easily amazed with the beautiful things around them. With the ignorant minds that they have, they unconsciously forget that there are certain rules to follow from their parents. But young as they are, it is still understandable. The story of "Red" depicts reality in the world today, that there are crimes everywhere. You may see the city as a wonderful place because of all the lights and decorations in the streets but behind those city wonders, bad people are always around just like the villains in a fairytale. Good thing for those little kids who were saved from different crimes in a dangerous world and still could find a happy ending after all.

     Lastly, for the "Boy Who Never Grows Up", the title was clearly stated because in the story, Peter never learned to grow up and he continued to make his mistakes until something happened to him that broke his heart and made him realize the important things in his life. This adaptation story presents also a real life situation where a girl and a boy would experience love as part of growing up. Problems are always there to challenge and spice up the story but these are all miraculously solved in the end.

     These three adaptation works of the three fairytales showed how the magical stories told from the past exist in the generation todayand would somehow teach lessons for the generations tomorrow. And that is the real essence of fairytales, it is not always to give happy endings but to teach lessons.