Thursday, December 2, 2010

same old Thursday...with a twist of my new sunshine

i woke up and the sun smiled at me saying...
"Hey Maffi get up! Face the new day and find your happiness. There's so much opportunity, go get it!"

I smiled and got up at once. [Me thinking...] This is gonna be a good day for me. 

 I went to school and I experienced same old Thursday class.
Our professor irritates us so much! He treats us as if we are all stupid.
"Ikaw na! Ikaw na professional photographer!" This is the famous line that you can hear from my block mates.
I was disappointed...why would I have the best feeling in the morning when I got up from bed and still experience "shitness" in our class. 

I heard my phone and I got a message. I wonder who would it come from. Then I saw his name :"> 
Oh gosh! and from then on I can't help but smile. My seat mate got confused because of me. Every body in the room was not in the mood already but me, I still managed to smile and giggle the whole time. It was like my mind is flying in the air. Funny it is! But yes, I was so happy with that text and a little conversation of ours. 

I rushed to ODS for my training and I was surprised that he was there :"> 
I almost melted when he said "hi" to me.
I guess he is my new sunshine that brings smile to my face.
That is why I had a nice morning.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i DON'T hate love ♥

This is one of my favorite songs of Claude Kelly...
The real title of this is I HATE LOVE...but I want to revise it for myself so I made it

I DON'T hate the mornings
Cause I know what they bring 
[I love every morning that makes my day shines bright and gives hope for my happiness that I'm always longing]
You get up and take a shower in no time, your leaving
And it sounds so selfish
But i can’t help but think
That if you knew how much i needed you
You’d stay cause 
[I DON'T CARE if you left me already...I GOT MY FRIENDS that I know who will stay with me FOREVER]

I DON'T hate goodbyes [ BUT....] 
I hate these tears in my eyes 
I’m sick of wishing he was around me every day, every night 
its way too much [BUT STILL...]
I DON'T hate love

I hate your phone calls [cause you only call me when we're not okay]
In the middle of the day 
Cause all you do is remind that my baby is so far away [even if we were together I still feel you're too far away]
It drives me crazy 
Cause i need you with me [I needed you but you never needed me]
I know its time for you to understand when i say  

I don’t want to feel this alone [but GOOD THING I'M NOT ALONE ANYMORE]
Everytime you walked out that door (I can’t help it) 
I start missing you  [I MISS YOU BUT I DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE]
Wish I didn’t need you this much 
But i love how it feels when we touch 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I remember last year, the time when I still do not have a facebook account. It was the first week of school and every body was talking about this social network for them to contact each other and keep in touch for the years to come. I think each student in our class has an account and the only exception is me. I don't know why I didn't know facebook that time. So I was just listening to my friends and try to know what is facebook and how can I make an account for myself but I had second thoughts because this could be an ultimate distraction in my studies and all the things I do every day. I had no choice, I have to make an account because every body else is using it already for communication, announcements of our assignments and projects, schedules of classes and so many important things. There...I made one! 

I thought I will just use that if we have school works that are posted there and if I have to contact my classmates about group projects but no, there are so many things you can do that will make you addicted to it. Best example would be the games, if you have nothing to do in the internet the first thing you would want is a game to play on for past time but now, it's not just a past time for people, it's already an addiction. I could barely talk to my brother because of computer games and when he's using facebook, it's like he has his own world at home. I can see the different uses of this social network but just like any other addictions on computer, it has bad effects also to the users. Honestly, when I got addicted to it somehow I can't control myself from opening my account even if I have nothing to do. I will just open it, check if my friends are online, look at the pictures and post comments and that would be the start of the unending thread until we realize that it's already early in the morning. Even though this became a distraction for me in my studies, instead of me doing school works when I get home, first thing I would do is open my account and waste my time there. Nevertheless, I can still see that facebook is somehow useful. I got to connect with my relatives out of the country so easily and try to catch up with them through the pictures we are sending to each other. By this, we can still know the latest happenings in our family.

 This phenomenon created a big part in people's lives regardless of the age. Young and old do have facebook accounts. It is a way of introducing to people and re-connecting to old friends. In one way or another, you cannot deny that this social networking site separates you from the reality. People are fond using it because they want to engage in fantasy that is possible in facebook. Fantasy because some people create false identities just to have millions of friends who would want to connect with them. These people who you call "friends" are countless but do you really know them, and do they really know you personally? Do you think that if someone sees that you have thousands of friends in your account, others will admire you and think that you are a friendly person? The real essence of friendship is sinking and that is a sad truth. How can you say that a friend is a real one if the only way he/she could connect with you is through the little chat box in facebook or through the comments he/she is posting in your status and pictures? Isn't it if he/she is a true friend of yours he would do anything and would make an effort to come to you especially if he/she really wants to talk and spend time with you? I read in an article that the picture of you in your profile is not you. It is a persona, an avatar of yourself. Of course, the pictures you post in your account are the only pictures that would best present you. The pictures that will look you attractive and not the other way around. And people add you as their friends because of this mere representation of yourself.  Don't you realize that friendship is not only about the looks and outside being of a person, that friendship requires effort. In facebook, friendship is a lot easier than in real life. And that's what I hate about it! If you really want to be a true friend, go and meet them personally. Do something that a real friend would do. There are no successful relationships that are made only in a social networking site. Hands down to those people who use facebook properly and still know that there are things needed to be separated in real life.

“Social media should improve your life, 
not become your life!” 
- Patrick Driessen, Consultant and Executive Coach

Monday, November 29, 2010

"It is better to be in chains with friends , than to be in a garden with strangers."


"I was alone when I first stepped into my college life.
 Whole new world for me, new environment, new faces, new challenges. 
Adjustments should be made as soon as I meet people that will be around me for the 4 years that I will stay in Assumption College." 
This is what I said to myself first day of being a freshman in AC. 
As far as I can remember the girls in the pictures above, they are not the ones who I am with the first days of school. We all have different accompanies and group of friends. Then suddenly, we merged into one group. At first, I thought that won't work because obviously we all have huge differences and interests. Of course if that is the case, our group will always be divided and who would like that kind of set-up in a BARKADA?
We are now in our second year in college and our group is getting stronger and trying to stay longer for each other. We experience challenges in the group like some kind of misunderstandings and even worse, fights. I know petty fights are only for high school and it's so immature already for us, college girls. But we are not always in control of everything. So what we always do is we try to fix it all up and make up for each others' mistakes. I am very thankful to have this pretty ladies! My actions won't show much but my heart knows how much I treasure our friendship and how much I want to keep it as long as we can. :"> 
Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for letting me to be a part of yours also!
Thank you for your unending patience for me.
Thank you for understanding me every time I can't be with you.
I may not always say this but TRULY I LOVE YOU MY BABY GIRLS! >:D< :*
We're gonna graduate together! 2 years to go! LOL =)))

Sunday, November 28, 2010

take a look back

Whole day in front of my computer wasn't that so enjoying. I was supposed to do school works but what I did was to look for pictures that I can upload and share in my facebook account. But I'm glad I did this because I saw all the scanned pictures of me when I was so young with my brother. 


I remembered how I cry myself out of pain, embarrassment, irritation, and so much more because of my older brother. He always piss me off when we were younger. We're not that okay in terms of brother-sister relationship. He has his own world at home and I seldom get to talk with him, if he will speak to me I think it's always because he needs something from me or he would ask me for a favor. Yes it is a sad fact but I'm glad that after my 18th birthday, it changed and our relationship has a progress already. These are some of the things that I experience now that I never experienced before:
  1. My brother knows how to text me now. (Before, he didn't even want me to have his number)
  2. He sometimes would ask me where am I. (Before, he doesn't care where I am or where will I go)
  3. He brings me "pasalubong" if I get a chance to ask him for one. (Before, he would never spend his money for me)
  4. He once tried to suggest that I can go to a specific girl shop because he knew that I would love to go there. (Before, he wouldn't even think where would I want to go for shopping)
  5. He escorted me when I walked through the carpet during my debut. ( Before, he hates to go near or walks beside me)
I love to hear my name from him. Whenever he says my name, it's like I always want to say "thank you kuya for saying my name". That's how much I feel the change now between us. And I am very happy! :D

Seeing our pictures together when we were young is so heart warming. :"> 
It's so sweet especially this one!
( This is my favorite :"> )

When I posted this in my facebook, my cousin commented. She said "that's so sweet!"
Then my brother responded, "parang hindi naman, nanghihingi lang ako pera nyan. haha"
I laughed so hard! =)) As if I already have money that time, I was only a baby! :P
Nevertheless, I still have the best brother in the world! I have my own reasons! :D Even if that, that and that! LOL =)) 

I never said this before...and now I want to shout it here in my blog.


We are worst enemies but we can be sweet at times in our own ways! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

not again!

After a night full of "kilig moments" and unending laughter, I ended my day locked in my room doing nothing. 
I was so bored so I browsed all the photo albums in my facebook account. 

When I saw my album with all of my pictures with "him" (C) I took time to think whether I will look at it or skip the album but I did not. At first, I was okay, doing fine while looking at the pictures and suddenly tears fell down and I don't know why. ( with the background music of "FOREVER and FOREVER YOU AND FOREVER GONE" by Claude Kelly) Then all the memories I had with him flashed back in my head and it made me cry again :(( I stopped, got up from the chair and tried to do something else. I was cleaning my room, fixing all my stuffs until I saw a piece of paper under my books. I didn't know if that is a letter or just a scratch paper, I almost threw it in the trash can but I checked it first because it might be an important paper or something. 

I was right! It was indeed so important for me because it is the first letter that he gave me. If I am not mistaken, it is his retreat letter for me. I wanted to put some of the messages here that really made me cry for the rest of the night so you would understand why it still hurts so bad. So until 2am I was just crying in my bed until I fell asleep.  I broke my promise to myself that I would never cry myself again to sleep. I just can't control my emotions when it comes to that. I always say to myself that it is the last time that I will cry because of him but moments like this still happen. It's just because it's still here. That's the fact that I can't deny and even though I am 100% sure that things will never be the same again between us, one thing will surely last. Me, being true to him, being true with my feelings. Yes it is done but I guess the love I had for him will last forever. My friend told me that she can see that I am moved on right now but the reason why I still cry because of him is because the love is still here in me. That would never change because that is real. She also said that I may meet new one who could replace my first love. I may love another guy as I love the first one but I can never erase the fact that I once loved him so it will be there forever no matter what. 

I hope...I really do hope that I'm done crying for nothing. But if ever I will cry again, I guess it's just my way of releasing my emotions and sadness as well so I can go on with my life and be happy. 

To my friends who always witness me crying or listening to my unending stories of heartache THANK YOU SO MUCH for lending me your ears to listen, heart to feel my pain, and shoulders to cry on. Thank you for not leaving me especially in times when I feel so depress. Thank you for trying your very best to make me happy and find ways for me to forget him and everything that's not worth remembering.

THANK GOD for giving me these people who never fail to comfort me and make me feel better when I'm lost. I'M STILL LUCKY! :"> 

Friday, November 26, 2010

like an ICEBERG :">

You make me melt...never ever been this weak
This is all brand new to me
I think I should tell you that...

Now I don't mind lettin' my guard down
My heart is yours now

Now I've always been, the cool independent type
But now I'm different when I look in your eyes
And I try to play it as cool as ice

okay I'm in love with this song because of this night!
Just went to Encore to watch the SOIT night of Mapua and I had a blast night!
It was tiring to walk with my heels even if I can't walk properly because my legs still hurt. :|
But of course it can't hinder me from watching this event because I want to support the candidates from Mapua Dancecom, Kurt Mendoza and Angge Galang :D

It was a successful night for the both of them because they won different special awards like the Mr. and Ms. Talent and the Mr. and Ms. Glance. No doubt, they out shined others for that night! They got lots of supporters and honestly (without bias) for me, they are far way better than the others. Looks, talent, charm, chemistry and appeal...they all got that! :D YEAH! \m/

Probably you now wonder why I put that song above...LOL =))
"Like an iceberg" by Claude Kelly
I can't deny the fact the I really melted because of him! Yes, him! HAHA =))
His smile, his look, his stance made me smile the whole night even though my feet is already crying of pain.

Then I just realized that I still have a written report to be submitted the next day.....CRAMMING AGAIN! :|
But it didn't ruin my night. It didn't hinder me to stay happy because I really enjoyed the event that nothing can take it back. I can't get over of what happened during the pageant so instead of me doing my report when I got home, I just looked at the pictures I took. 

It was quite long now before I experience this kind of happiness again. Happiness because of a "HAPPY CRUSH". I wish no one would misinterpret this. Well after all there's nothing wrong with admiring someone. Who would not, if they see him wear that elegant suite, dance with that muscle shirt, and smile like there's no tomorrow! :">


Thursday, November 25, 2010

"'pag may tiyaga may nilaga!" \m/

2 weeks before the finals...we have to prepare for this! :| DANCE AND WORK  HARD!

I was told by our choreographer to practice stunts and set my schedule for a gymnastics session. I felt so much pressure and stress because I don't really like being pressured by the stunts that I have to do in our routine. I am used to just being the dancer of the group because I'm not good at doing stunts. Most of the time I just want to exert all my efforts and energy with the dance only and not with those crazy tricks that others do. But for this one, I said to myself that I should face my fears and dilemma because nobody will ask me to do this if they believe that I can't. So if others believe that I can, therefore I should trust myself and believe as well that I can! :D

Good thing the day after, my high school dance troupe will go to gym and train also so I decided to go with them. I felt so happy that I can still be with them even if I am already an alumna of the group for two years. Obviously, I am the oldest that time training for gymnastics and I have to be a good example for them and encourage them to work hard because this is for our groups. But I have to admit, they are better than me with this thing! LOL =)) They go to gymnastics every day so they are used to body pains and everything that you have to deal with practicing stunts. And me, it is again my first time to practice this so what do you expect! Of course another ultimate body pain. I was right! Body pain and all kinds of "ache's" said hello to me! HAHA! It's all because I never stop practicing the "backhand spring" in the gym until I can do it right. Unfortunately I still can't do it. I understand that you cannot do something by trying and practicing it for only three hours. Our coach in the gym said that I should come back and practice again. How will I do that if I already can't bend my legs because it hurts a lot? :(( HUHU. I can't even go up and down the stairs and sit normally. 

Back to our training hours...I was encouraged by my friend who went to the gym also and train to practice his break dance moves and tricks. He is so good at it like woah! And every time I was the one to do what I was practicing, he would always shout "'PAG MAY TIYAGA, MAY NILAGA" and it worked for me. That's why I never stopped that time. I am frustrated already that I still can't do it. At the end of the day, I was tired but a bit confident because I know I tried to do it, even if I still can't do it right at least I know the feeling of doing it. And that's more important than being frustrated doing nothing. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

i miss my friend ^_^

I MISS the time we eat in KFC because it's your favorite
I MISS the time when we cover our eyes if someone tries to take our picture together
I MISS the time when you always accompany me anywhere i plan to go
I MISS the time that you are always at my side when we are walking
I MISS the time when we imitate those stupid biters of dances =))
I MISS the kwentuhan moments of ours every after workshop outside the studio
I MISS your arms that are always around me
I MISS our table tennis match and how you defeated me. CHINESE ka nga! HAHA =))
I MISS the moments when you always try to pull my shirt up because it is too revealing for you
I MISS your kiss on my forehead
I MISS how you hold my head
I MISS how you support me in every events i perform
I MISS those pretty smiles that lighten up my days
I MISS how you try to fix my hair even if you don't know how
I MISS my "gentleman"
I MISS the moment when you always ask me if you look good on what you are wearing
I MISS how you cover my eyes when i try to window shop
I MISS our one wish to dance together as partners
I MISS your lap where I used to sit 
I MISS how I remind you to take care of yourself when doing those crazy stunts

Though I hate looking at our pictures and reminisce 
I can't help it but stay looking at it
It's the closest thing I have to you

And even thought the love is gone
I still remember the good times
While I live my life yours will go on
Yes, time will pass but the love we had will last

And most of all, I MISS MY FRIEND ^_^

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I love you but...

You know
It's hard to say
My feelings change
But I cant look away
Alright do your things
I can't be what you need
Cause it's not up to me
But you
Don't wanna believe it
When I heard this song I imagined that he is singing this to me, that he is saying the lyrics directly to my face. For the first time, I did not cry. Yes, I did not! 
I just imagined him saying to me that there's nothing more left. That his feelings already changed. Well I expected that already but I will never be sad again. Yeah it's alright. I'm fine. It's done and I'm also done with him.
There's so much to hide
So much try

Something ain't right
And I don't know
How to fix it
Don't waste your time
I promise I
Don't want to lie

But when I remembered his eyes, how he looked at me the last time we saw each other, I know there was something more. He is hiding it and I don't know why. I know that time that I got to try again because I don't want to give up. And I heard that his answer was "Don't waste your time." I understood what he meant by saying those words to me. 
Cause love
Is just
A game you play
But sometimes you lose
Don't know what else
I can say
To get it through
Girl sometimes
It might be tough
When I say


Then the last time he said to me "I still love you" flashed back in my mind. With those words sticked with it are so many but's. He loves me but he can't make it up to me. He loves me but he won't do anything for me. He loves me but he does not want us to return to our old ways again. He loves me but he does not know what to do and how to make it through. He loves me but he'll be away from me. 
But I
Can't be honest
I can't
When I'm with you
And I don't want
To think
It for once
I'm telling you
The truth
How can I do this
I try
To stick it through
I try, I try, I try
But I don't love you

I realized that if he truly loves me, we can still work it out. But we didn't. He doesn't want to work it out. I don't know if he's just lying to me that he still loves me. Yes, he said it but does he really mean it? I heard it from him but I can't feel it. So I think the only truth that I have to believe is that he doesn't love me. And I'm glad that...

I have to admit, I still love him for some reasons but if someone would ask me if I still want us. My answer would be "NOT ANYMORE". I'm tired of getting hurt, I'm tired of crying.I'm happy with what we establish right now as friends. I guess the "BETTER ONE" that people always say to me is somewhere out there waiting for the right time and right place. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

What hinders me from living my life to the fullest

During our Theology class awhile ago we were asked to write on a sheet of paper of what hinders us from living our lives to the fullest. God wants us to live our lives to the fullest, to be what we can be at our best, to have what we deserve to have, to love everything He gives us every day, to accept every single thing that happens to us, and to sacrifice what we need to give up for Him. 

I was in silence for a few seconds thinking of what really hinders me from living my life to the fullest as of now. First, I thought of holding on to something that's done and gone. I can't live my life to the fullest if I'm still stuck with something that will hinder me from being happy and being free as well. But I realized that it's not what truly hinders me because I can proudly say now that I view that chapter of my life as a very delightful experience with so much lessons learned. I already see that past in the positive side that is why I cannot consider it as what hinders me from living my life to the fullest. Then, I thought of my parents and the first thing that enters to my mind is my attitude towards them. :( :| I know I am not a perfect child for them but I always obey them. It's just that sometimes when I am not in the mood especially when I'm mad at them, I tend to disrespect them, make faces at their backs, and worst saying bad words. I heartily know that this kind of attitude is really wrong and should be changed because my parents do not deserve to be treated like this. In my 18 years of existence, I can see and feel how much they sacrifice for me and for my older brother. Actually I sometimes pity my parents because both me and my brother have this bad attitude towards them. After all their hard works and everything that they are doing for us, all they get from us are shouts and angry faces. And now I want to slowly change this attitude so that they would no longer say that we are burdens to their lives. I want to make it up to them since I am already a growing lady, I want to act as mature as I can and respect everything that our parents say and follow whatever they want us to do. 

God wants us to enjoy life, live it to the fullest with our family binded by love and respect for each other and of course with Him as the center of our lives. :D

Sunday, November 21, 2010

and I say THANK YOU!

Still have nothing to share and say. Yesterday was a very tiring day and I just had my rest and a good sleep earlier. Unending “Congratulations!” and “I’m proud of you” from people who were there gave me a nice morning. Reading the messages of my friends and others made me feel so happy and thankful. I hope my deepest gratitude will reach your hearts and I want to let people know that every second they shouted last night was our driving force to be able to give our best and one best shot 3 minutes. :D

Thank you for the effort of standing at Market2 for hours and waiting. Thank you for giving us your loudest cheers. Thank you for the “goodlucks” before the competition started. Thank you for the “Congratulations” after the competition.

That’s all I can say. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010


20th of November and it was the last leg of elimination round for the Crissa Dance Synergy Year 6. We are the last performer for the College Division and since we are last, people would expect that it would be a nice finale for the competition. We expect nothing but for us to be able to perform well our dance and be the best that we can be for the people who came to support us, for our mentors who taught us, and for ourselves to make our training and hard works pay off. We did our costume all for the last minute until the competition started. We thought of our hairstyle and make-up last minute also. Everything was done last minute! Word of the day: CRAMMING! =))

Though it was not okay that we did everything for the last minute, we can’t do anything about it because we were not that ready. We did not prepare ahead of time and I know it was our fault. K We just did our best to make it all set and done. I was surprised and overjoyed that a lot of people came to support us from our Orange family, AC schoolmates, family and friends.  The shouts and “pagwawala” moments of our crowd made me feel so inspired to be at my best on the stage. And the best feeling up there was when I did my adlib saying to our crowd that “WE DO IT LIKE THIS! THIS IS HOW WE DANCE! THIS IS THE ORANGE DANCE STUDIO WAY!” Until now, I can still imagine and feel the intensity of the people, I can still hear their shouts and cheer. And I’m SPEECHLESS =)) hahahaha =)) no words can really express how I am feeling now. The result of the competition went well for us, AC VIBE and my former group which I love, PGC. It’s been a year since I competed, and it was a blast come back for me! :”> Now, that PGC, MAPUA DANCECOM, and AC VIBE got in for the finals of this competition. We will all set MOA on fire on the 11th of December.


Friday, November 19, 2010

a day before … VIBE’S sleepover

It is only the day before when we got the chance to try our shoes and costume for the competition. Take note, it still doesn’t have any jazz-up’s and any design on. Nevertheless, we still tried to dance our piece with those because we have to so we can make adjustments if we need to. We practiced once in school then we went to Orange Dance Studio to try it on again. After our “run”, Nay talked to us for some reminders, encouragement, suggestions and anything that we need to do for the group. I felt relieved after the meeting. It was like I was in total stress and pressure then suddenly I was able to breathe again. =)) I missed Nay Jen’s “pep talk” to us because when I was in high school, she always do that to our group. We were really pampered by her love and that’s what keeps us strong, bonded, goal-oriented and inspired all the time.

After the preparation and all in the studio we went to our house at around 12mn and instead of designing our costume for the competition the next day, we decided to have a sleep first because that’s more important than costumes. Our look will not matter if we don’t have enough energy to dance and set fire on stage. The sleepover is a bonding experience as well for the group even though we are incomplete.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

OH GOSH! costume??? :(

Two days before the competition and we still do not have costumes! L waaaah! What are we going to do?! Good thing my class ends at 12nn every Thursday and I had time to go to St. Francis Square to buy the jacket that our team mates saw last Tuesday and with the money we have, gave by the Assumption College Parents Council, we purchased it to lessen our problems. Next thing to buy is the gold top that they found in the same place but when we went there to check it, the seller said that they don’t have stock anymore which means we have to look for something else but it still should be gold. That color is very rare not unless we buy those “cheap” top with gold sequins all over.

I decided to go to Market2 to find that kind of top that would not look cheap. I thought we could find that there but same as in St. Francis Square, they don’t have d*** the stock that would provide for the ten of us. So I went to Greenhills with Colleen and we were quite sure that time that we can find the top that we were looking for. The both of us were almost dragging our feet as we go around the huge shopping center of Greenhills and the worst part of all is we were wearing our uniform that time. How hard it can get?! =)) I already cried there because of pressure that the competition is in the next two days already and we still have nothing to wear. Thank God Colleen is with me because if not, I really don’t know what to do already. So instead of us training in school the whole night, we spent our time looking for costume and we got back in school exact end time of our training. How amazing it was! LOL =)) 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday Madness with AC VIBE

It is a typical training day in school and all we got to do is to be serious with our dance and work it out for the competition. It’s also viewing day for our coordinator and dean of student’s affairs. They wanted to see our piece and critique if something lacks or anything. We had our training in the small stage where the floor is not suitable for dancing. I had different kinds of injury that night and it sucks! L My wrist was injured, my knees have bruises and it was bleeding because of the pebbles on the floor. K
“So hard! So hard! So hard!”

We were continuously singing this since it is our last cut in our piece and we also wanted to shout it as loud as we can because it is really hard! =))  but the reason why we made it to survive the training night even if it was so tiring, it’s the bond that we formed with the group even if we come from different groups in our school. One thing that we learned during that night is that when we cheer for each other while we are dancing, it works for us and it really helps us to breathe. I was touched when they shouted in the part where I am the only one dancing, “HIT IT MAFFI” and the original line of that is “HIT IT FERGIE” :D it sounds funny I know but I always get energy from that. At the end of the day it is the group that makes us strong even if we feel like giving up in the middle of the dance.

“AC VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBE!” [with giggling and facial expressions] =))

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It is a holiday and we don’t have classes. We took the chance and had our training in dance for the upcoming competition on Saturday. We still have problems because our piece is still not that okay, we still do not have costumes and shoes to wear for the competition. And it is already 3 days before the “big day” for us. How the **** are we gonna work on those things and will we be able to make it to the finals?! K All of us in the group are tensed! So what we did was after our practice, we went elsewhere to find and canvas for our costume. I went to Glorietta because I will meet Aldrin, my friend, and he will accompany me to find costume. My plan was I will wait for him ‘til they finish their meeting but I ended up going with them, the Dancecom, and just enjoyed the holiday playing in Timezone.

Well I did that because I also wanted to relax my mind and for a day rest it from pressure and stress. I waited for like an hour for them to finish their meeting. When it was done I ate lunch with them but it was already around 2 to 3pm if I am not mistaken. =)) [so how long did I wait to eat lunch. LOL] While we were all enjoying our lunch, we were all forced to stop eating and laughed hardly because of something that was really ***** funny!!!!!! =)))))) and it is because of this line:

“Ang tigas naman nito ‘tas ang bagal pa!” LOL =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I cried!

I enjoyed that moment seriously! =)) I was able to laugh really hard even though I know that I still have lot of problems to solve and think about for our competition. Thanks to my lunch mates, thanks to DANCECOM!!!! :D  after lunch we spent our time in Timezone and the best game I played is Tekken! Hahaha it was fun especially when your opponents are guys and the audience are so loud!!!
Terms to remember:

“WEAK” … “BULLY” … “GAY” hahahahahahahahahaha =)))))))))))))))))

Monday, November 15, 2010

Soupness because of FALLACIES :|

I did nothing for school during the weekend and by Monday when I entered the classroom I just learned from my block mate that we will have a quiz on our Critical Thinking class about Fallacy. My first problem was *fudge* I don’t have any notes about that because I did not attend the class on the previous week. Second, I just can’t learn it for a short time because I know that I’m not a fast-learner especially when it comes to deep understanding of things. So what I just did is that I copied the notes from Jian during the morning and read the notes during lunch break. Wait, I still have problem! I CAN’T REALLY UNDERSTAND what those notes are all about!!!! How will I understand that?! I was already panicking. =))

Good thing we also had a group assignment due on the same day so I was with my group mates during lunch break and as they discuss and think of different examples for the fallacies given, I tried to listen and follow them slowly. Luckily, I was able to understand and contribute to think of some examples. And that served as my practice also for the quiz. So when we were taking the quiz I tried to relax my mind and think slowly but surely because those fallacies are really confusing!!!!! I was stuck in one number and I tried to ask my seat mate if the answer is ***** =)) She answered me but I just skipped the number first and when I got back to that number I did not listen to my seat mate and tried to put what I think the answer is. Then when the professor checked my paper I got perfect for that part of the quiz and I was indeed so happy that even for the short notice and all those worries, I was able to take the quiz and answer it correctly.

The best example that I gave was an example of “False Analogy” but for me, it is somehow true! LOL =)))
Someone who is beautiful is a goddess;
Maffi is beautiful;
Then, Maffi is a GODDESS


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Sunday is an obligation day for us Catholics and the best way to spend this day is to attend the Holy Mass with your family. I am lucky to have a family who goes to mass every Sunday together it is also family day for us. Even if we were all tired from waking up early in the morning because of so much work for the whole week, we still manage to get up and start the day right by hearing Mass. The whole time that I was listening to the priest, I was also saying my prayer to Him. I prayed for our team and the PGC for our upcoming competition on Saturday. I prayed that we will have happy hearts in competing and a lot of our friends will be there to support us. We expect nothing but the best performance we could give to God.

Honestly, I am pressured right now because a lot of people would expect from us but I hope they will not look after the result but the efforts and hearts we put in our dance as we perform there. So while I was praying and praying during the Mass I heard the priest said, “JESUS TOLD US WE SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP. HE IS OUR STRENGTH AND OUR HOPE” I suddenly stopped, smiled and shivered. I can’t explain why but I felt that God answered me through those words. So what I am going to do right now is strengthen my faith not only to Him but also with my teammates who I will be competing with because I know God will give us enough strength for this as we will perform for Him. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Proud to be his BESTFRIEND :">

It is nice to have someone who is always there for you no matter what happens and no matter how hard circumstances may be. I am fortunate to have this kind of best friend.  I remembered the times when we cannot even text each other because I have someone who will really get jealous. I felt bad that I have to be distant with my best friend because of one person who unfortunately didn’t stay in my life. I realized that I just wasted my time that I can be with my best friend where we can have good times together. But what I can’t really forget about my best friend is that when the one I truly love left me, he was there offering his shoulders for me to cry on and I felt so relieved that time. I am thankful that even after all that happened, he was still there to comfort me and he did not even got mad at me for staying away from him when I had to. He is the only one who can really understand me in everything and whenever I feel sad and not in the mood, he is always there to put a smile on my face and try his very best to make me feel better.

So when I had a chance to make him see that I am also here for him, I make it a point that he will feel that I am a best friend for him. He had a competition and I went there to support even if I have to go and travel all by myself. Good thing Camille, her special girl, was there and I watched the competition with her. I don’t know if it matters for him that I went there and watched him but I am sure he was happy that time because they won as champions. I am really proud of my best friend because he is the captain of their team and I know they really went so far already. But there's nothing more I can be proud of than being a best friend to him.