Monday, November 22, 2010

What hinders me from living my life to the fullest

During our Theology class awhile ago we were asked to write on a sheet of paper of what hinders us from living our lives to the fullest. God wants us to live our lives to the fullest, to be what we can be at our best, to have what we deserve to have, to love everything He gives us every day, to accept every single thing that happens to us, and to sacrifice what we need to give up for Him. 

I was in silence for a few seconds thinking of what really hinders me from living my life to the fullest as of now. First, I thought of holding on to something that's done and gone. I can't live my life to the fullest if I'm still stuck with something that will hinder me from being happy and being free as well. But I realized that it's not what truly hinders me because I can proudly say now that I view that chapter of my life as a very delightful experience with so much lessons learned. I already see that past in the positive side that is why I cannot consider it as what hinders me from living my life to the fullest. Then, I thought of my parents and the first thing that enters to my mind is my attitude towards them. :( :| I know I am not a perfect child for them but I always obey them. It's just that sometimes when I am not in the mood especially when I'm mad at them, I tend to disrespect them, make faces at their backs, and worst saying bad words. I heartily know that this kind of attitude is really wrong and should be changed because my parents do not deserve to be treated like this. In my 18 years of existence, I can see and feel how much they sacrifice for me and for my older brother. Actually I sometimes pity my parents because both me and my brother have this bad attitude towards them. After all their hard works and everything that they are doing for us, all they get from us are shouts and angry faces. And now I want to slowly change this attitude so that they would no longer say that we are burdens to their lives. I want to make it up to them since I am already a growing lady, I want to act as mature as I can and respect everything that our parents say and follow whatever they want us to do. 

God wants us to enjoy life, live it to the fullest with our family binded by love and respect for each other and of course with Him as the center of our lives. :D

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