Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I remember last year, the time when I still do not have a facebook account. It was the first week of school and every body was talking about this social network for them to contact each other and keep in touch for the years to come. I think each student in our class has an account and the only exception is me. I don't know why I didn't know facebook that time. So I was just listening to my friends and try to know what is facebook and how can I make an account for myself but I had second thoughts because this could be an ultimate distraction in my studies and all the things I do every day. I had no choice, I have to make an account because every body else is using it already for communication, announcements of our assignments and projects, schedules of classes and so many important things. There...I made one! http://www.facebook.com/BerniceMaffi 

I thought I will just use that if we have school works that are posted there and if I have to contact my classmates about group projects but no, there are so many things you can do that will make you addicted to it. Best example would be the games, if you have nothing to do in the internet the first thing you would want is a game to play on for past time but now, it's not just a past time for people, it's already an addiction. I could barely talk to my brother because of computer games and when he's using facebook, it's like he has his own world at home. I can see the different uses of this social network but just like any other addictions on computer, it has bad effects also to the users. Honestly, when I got addicted to it somehow I can't control myself from opening my account even if I have nothing to do. I will just open it, check if my friends are online, look at the pictures and post comments and that would be the start of the unending thread until we realize that it's already early in the morning. Even though this became a distraction for me in my studies, instead of me doing school works when I get home, first thing I would do is open my account and waste my time there. Nevertheless, I can still see that facebook is somehow useful. I got to connect with my relatives out of the country so easily and try to catch up with them through the pictures we are sending to each other. By this, we can still know the latest happenings in our family.

 This phenomenon created a big part in people's lives regardless of the age. Young and old do have facebook accounts. It is a way of introducing to people and re-connecting to old friends. In one way or another, you cannot deny that this social networking site separates you from the reality. People are fond using it because they want to engage in fantasy that is possible in facebook. Fantasy because some people create false identities just to have millions of friends who would want to connect with them. These people who you call "friends" are countless but do you really know them, and do they really know you personally? Do you think that if someone sees that you have thousands of friends in your account, others will admire you and think that you are a friendly person? The real essence of friendship is sinking and that is a sad truth. How can you say that a friend is a real one if the only way he/she could connect with you is through the little chat box in facebook or through the comments he/she is posting in your status and pictures? Isn't it if he/she is a true friend of yours he would do anything and would make an effort to come to you especially if he/she really wants to talk and spend time with you? I read in an article that the picture of you in your profile is not you. It is a persona, an avatar of yourself. Of course, the pictures you post in your account are the only pictures that would best present you. The pictures that will look you attractive and not the other way around. And people add you as their friends because of this mere representation of yourself.  Don't you realize that friendship is not only about the looks and outside being of a person, that friendship requires effort. In facebook, friendship is a lot easier than in real life. And that's what I hate about it! If you really want to be a true friend, go and meet them personally. Do something that a real friend would do. There are no successful relationships that are made only in a social networking site. Hands down to those people who use facebook properly and still know that there are things needed to be separated in real life.

“Social media should improve your life, 
not become your life!” 
- Patrick Driessen, Consultant and Executive Coach

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