Sunday, November 28, 2010

take a look back

Whole day in front of my computer wasn't that so enjoying. I was supposed to do school works but what I did was to look for pictures that I can upload and share in my facebook account. But I'm glad I did this because I saw all the scanned pictures of me when I was so young with my brother. 


I remembered how I cry myself out of pain, embarrassment, irritation, and so much more because of my older brother. He always piss me off when we were younger. We're not that okay in terms of brother-sister relationship. He has his own world at home and I seldom get to talk with him, if he will speak to me I think it's always because he needs something from me or he would ask me for a favor. Yes it is a sad fact but I'm glad that after my 18th birthday, it changed and our relationship has a progress already. These are some of the things that I experience now that I never experienced before:
  1. My brother knows how to text me now. (Before, he didn't even want me to have his number)
  2. He sometimes would ask me where am I. (Before, he doesn't care where I am or where will I go)
  3. He brings me "pasalubong" if I get a chance to ask him for one. (Before, he would never spend his money for me)
  4. He once tried to suggest that I can go to a specific girl shop because he knew that I would love to go there. (Before, he wouldn't even think where would I want to go for shopping)
  5. He escorted me when I walked through the carpet during my debut. ( Before, he hates to go near or walks beside me)
I love to hear my name from him. Whenever he says my name, it's like I always want to say "thank you kuya for saying my name". That's how much I feel the change now between us. And I am very happy! :D

Seeing our pictures together when we were young is so heart warming. :"> 
It's so sweet especially this one!
( This is my favorite :"> )

When I posted this in my facebook, my cousin commented. She said "that's so sweet!"
Then my brother responded, "parang hindi naman, nanghihingi lang ako pera nyan. haha"
I laughed so hard! =)) As if I already have money that time, I was only a baby! :P
Nevertheless, I still have the best brother in the world! I have my own reasons! :D Even if that, that and that! LOL =)) 

I never said this before...and now I want to shout it here in my blog.


We are worst enemies but we can be sweet at times in our own ways! 

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